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Old 01-05-2008, 04:49 AM   #1
Gizmo's Mom
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Love Well it's that time again..

Gizmo is usually his happiest just lounging curled up with me at night. Every since I got home from work he has stood on the back for the sofa actually whining while he stared out the window. The black Lab around the corner must be in heat again, he is lovesick. Seems about his time last year he shot out the front door in the cold and I found him sitting outside her fence gazing lovingly..she could have cared less. Little guys need love too, we talked about it all the way home but he was too pissed to listen..telling me he was a big guy and all and I embarrassed him. That seemed to have lasted forever and here we go again, he sounds pittyful. Poor Gizmo, he's never had a girlfwiend. What's a Mama to do.
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