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Old 01-04-2008, 05:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Patti View Post
Pixie is overweight too. But she is eating too much, my fault. That is intersting about the kibble. I am going to stop leaving it out. They do get California Natural wet twice a day. I am so sorry to hear your baby has diabetes. Pixie was 13 months when I got her so I knew exactly what I was getting. Dixie is tiny now but she looks like she may be on the taller side which is fine. She is only 6 months so she has some opportunity to grow.
It's diabetes insipidus. It means he can't concentrate his urine. From the very beginning he had an uncontrollable thirst and would make himself sick drinking water. We could never leave water out like you do for most dogs who come back and take 3 licks - he would drink the entire bowl every time we filled it. He lacks the enzyme needed to concentrate his urine so he was peeing clear water. We had to deal with incontinence too because his bladder was so full he couldn't hold it. He also can't be away from water for long so he can never be left alone all day - it's very dangerous. The medicines help him actually pee yellow (the vet and I did a happy dance that day!) and this is very very rare so there's no way anyone could predict this sort of thing, but I still feel that anyone who was paying attention to him would have noticed his "drinking problem" as we fondly refer to it, since he did this from the very first day we got him. I was warned neither of this, nor the diarrhea (which was occurring before got him but she didn't know from "which dog" after I asked about it)

I don't want to pick on her because I know there are terrible breeders out there who are awful people and that's not who I think she is. I'm just frustrated. I have thought for a long time that maybe she has multiple lines she may treat differently - her "teacup" lines, her show lines (if she still shows) and her pet lines. That's OK. But the good breeders on here follow up. They make sure your puppy is doing OK. They want to see pictures. They care when you call then with a question. I have never gotten that impression from her at all. Maybe it's just me. I try not to worry about it, but you all keep bringing it up At least my YT people care.
Erin, Sammy & Loki
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