Thread: Rash on Ears
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Old 12-15-2007, 04:41 PM   #1
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Default Rash on Ears

Kobe has some red bumps on the hairless side of his ear close to the ear tips. The bumps almost look like welts. He has had them for about a week and when I give him a bath or wipe his ears with ear wipes the bumps subside only you can still feel them under the skin. They get inflamed when he rubs his ears.

Are there any home treatments for this?

I read all the books and this doesn't seem like anything I am reading about. The inside of his ears are normal he just has these bumps on both ears only near the tips.

Anyone know what this might be?

He has had this before and it went away on its own only this time it seems to be lasting longer.

The only thing I can think of is that it has gotten cold here recently so maybye he has an allergy to his sweaters he has been wearing or something? I am not sure.

Any advice appreciated.

Thank you!
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