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Old 02-15-2005, 11:00 AM   #1
YT 500 Club Member
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Default Night time potty/barking advice

Hello All,

I am new to the forum. I must say, I am very impressed with the help you provide to one another. Now I need advice!

I have a 10 week old yorkie male. We brought him home at 8 weeks old. The first night, was terrible. He cried all night. I felt so bad....his first night away from mommy and siblings.

Since that first night, we have to get up to let him go potty 3 times during the night (and we have him go potty before he goes to bed at night too!). He is in a crate and he starts barking/whining. I then get up and take him to the kitchen where we have the potty pad. All 3 times he will go potty when I get him up. However, it was recommended that I don't feed him food or water after 7 PM to help him not get up so much (he is big yorkie...already over 3 pounds!). So my question is this... do you think he really needs to go potty that much or is it because he is just trying to get attention to get out of the crate and play? I do give him plenty of water - I give him as much as he wants during the day up to 7 PM.

Last question is this...once he goes potty and I put him back in the crate, he barks/whining for 30 minutes or so. I've tried all advice I've been given so far - to ignore it, to tell him "NO!" and to say "It is OK...go to sleep". He barks loud and even with ear plugs I am not getting much quality sleep. Do you have any other suggestions? Should I just try to ignore it and eventually he will stop doing it as he gets older?

All advice is welcome. Thank you
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