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Old 07-26-2005, 09:41 AM   #2
YT 500 Club Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 516
Default Sibling Rivalry

Your yorkie is acting out his rivalry with the new baby. He is jealous. It is perfectly normal. My mom had a dachshund for 6 years and then she had my kid sister (the other 4 kids were here when we got the dog). The dog was completely housebroken and trained to do tricks, etc. Then my sister came along and the dog reverted back to not being housebroken. Doty (the dog) was real specific, she would only pee next to the couch where the baby was napping or next to the crib. My mom loved this dog but nothing she did would retrain Doty. She finally had to rehome her to a family that did not have any babies, but older kids. I think that what I would do is start over with the pups training. Make sure that the pup gets lots of positive attention, at this point, the pup will take any attention from you, even negative for misbehaving. It is just like having an older kid and bringing home a new baby. Do exactly what you would do if this was an older brother or sister and was reacting to sibling rivalry. Lots of attention, petting, etc., retraining, do not make a fuss over the peeing etc, just quietly clean it up, I think that once the pup does not get any attention over it (even negative is a response) he will stop doing it. In the meantime start over with what worked before with training him. Good luck
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