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Old 11-28-2007, 11:18 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by vtrieu1031 View Post
Peanut's been peeing around the house for quite some time now, and sometimes I even catch him in the act. Whenever I do catch him in the act, I try to have him sniff it and just sit there as I wipe it, no yelling or anything, but it still doesn't seem sufficient. To minimize this, whenever I'm home and my brother isn't (he's usually following him around), I hang out with him while I do my thing and he usually tells me if he needs to go by pawing at me. Unfortunately, Peanut can't be supervised 24/7 and so accidents do happen =X

As for the bowl issue, I've tried using ceramic bowls and plastic bowls, nothing seems to really do it for him. Even if he's really thirsty, he won't drink out of it , I often have to sit there with him and show him that I'm holding the water bowl (this trick only works with water and not food! ). I'll try using plates from now and and see how that goes (thanks YorkieKids!)

In regards to the barking issue, he barks uncontrollably whenever someone enters the house (which is reasonable), whenever someone enters the room he's in, and whenever someone leaves the room or walks away from him (probably just his way of saying I still want attention). I understand why he barks most of the time, but it's difficult to get him to stop once he gets started and I don't want to punish him for being a good watchdog either...

And as for obedience school, I'm afraid that isn't an option right now because my whole family kinda has a busy schedule on a daily basis.Once again, thank you all so much for your time and suggestions, your help is greatly appreciated! I'll be sure to post up pictures of Peanut as soon as I can.
My babies used to like eating out of my hands and not the bowl, but for them it's not an option unless they want to starve lol. I try not to baby them so much. They are spoiled enough as it is. By teaching them it's not okay.. they understand you more and it builds a better bond between you two. I know first hands that obedience school helps. It is time consuming though. I took my first girl to Petsmart puppy training. It sure taught me a lot. Are you from Rosemead, CA? if you don't mind me asking.....
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