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Old 11-11-2007, 10:37 AM   #1
Ashley V
♥ Chip ♥ Smokey ♥
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Omg I REALLY need some help with Smokey

I've never had a rescue before. I've raised all my dogs from 8 weeks old. Smokey has some bad habits that I don't know how to break because I've never dealt with them. The biggest one is, he potty's in his crate. Why? I don't know. Every day 4x a day we have to clean scrub his crate down. We take him outside, but he doesn't do anything but explore. He has no potty pattern at all. Like when we brought Chip home, it became apparent that he pooped before he ate in the morning and before bed. He pee'd at more random times, but we could tell when he was about to cause he'd start sniffing around. Smokey on the other hand poops 3-4 times a day and pee's just random squirts just wherever he happens to be. A couple days ago when I was running some errands, Smokey did his dime sized squirt. While Adam was scrubbing the carpet, Smokey squirted again, so Adam started cleaning that spot, and Smokey squirted again... Adam said this went on about 8 times and it was about dime sized. This morning Smokey pooped in his crate around 3:30 A.M. and then again at 7:30 A.M. We cut out food and treats about 6-7 P.M. for him. And the thing is, he tells us AFTER he does it. Of course, I'm asleep at those times and Adam is at work. Smokey doesn't whine or anything. He does it, then starts running around in circles in his crate until we wake up and by then his poop is smushed in and all over him and his crate. It's like he's been reverse trained. I don't get it and I don't know how to help him. Please, I need all the advice I can get. If you all know of even any books I can read about potty training rescues that would be great. I'm so confused, but I'm not giving up on him like everyone else did.
~*~ Chip ~*~ Smokey ~*~
My heart is wrapped around their little paws

Karley Marissa born 1/20/12 weighing 8 lbs 11 oz and 21.5 inches long
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