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Old 11-02-2007, 08:15 AM   #20
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Edmonton- Canada
Posts: 8

HI NAJA!!! (in regards to BRASILIAN YORKIES)

Thank you for emailing me personally and asking about my beautiful BRASILIAN YORKIES and by the sounds of it you would like some help/advice.

I am a small YORKSHIRE TERRIER hobby breeder (I am OWNED by 6 yorkies; 3 that are from my mentor in BRASIL). I reside in CANADA and from time to time i do import some beautiful brasilian beauties (YORKIES) from my mentor/co-breeder whos in BRASIL. WHY? well because im Brasilian, was born and raised there so thats how i have direct connection and when i started breeding YORKIES i also begin importing my mentors BRASIL YORKIES just to give her a helping hand and also because im only a small hobby breeder the DEMAND is much bigger than i can supply so thats another reason i started selling her babies here in CANADA and so far i have been very successful!

While im on this topic i would like to make a very important point im in NO way a broker or mill (I know some people willl argue). Myself and my mentor in BRASIL have made this so successful because we place our friendship and puppies 1st before business/$. In fact i don't keep any of the $ i make in selling her babies, not because i can't, because i CAN; i just chose not to. But i do have an option and advantage to select any pup of my choice for myself...which is always tempting BUT i want to remain a small breeder at this point in my life.

When i sell my mentors YORKIES that are from BRASIL the puppies come to me with AIR CANDA very safe and sound. Even if a puppy is pre-sold i require that this puppy stays with me for at least a week or 2 to make sure he/she is healthy and its ready to join his/her new family. I treat her babys with the love and care that they deserve. I love them just as much and if not more than my own LOL! Her babies are so stunning and have the best personaility that its always so difficult for me to part with them no matter how short of a time or how long they stayed with me.

When my puppy parents by one of my mentors BRASILIAN yorkies they receive the same treatment, contract and lifelong support from me as they would if they bought one of my very own yorkies. I LOVE THEM ALL and each and everyone of them.

Anyhoo sorry about the huge speech; i just want others who read this to understand where I personally am comming from when they hear i own and import BRASILIAN yorkies!

Do you reside in USA?
Just to make it clear someone above stated that its difficult and takes MONTHS to transfer a BRASILIAN CBKC pedigree to AKC. Im sorry but from my own experience that is NOT true. Although i reside in CANADA all 3 of my BRASIL yorkies are AKC reg'd also and it was a peice of cake. Its very very EASY! You simply have to fill the AKC transfer application and send it in with the official CBCK BRASIL pedigree. I had my AKC pedigree in one months time. I can't stress it enought its very fast and easy if you follow the correct ssteps. Although if you bought the BRASIL yorkie as a PET only the breeder will provide you its CBCK limited reg'd pedigree and with that you CANNOT use to transfer the reg'd to AKC or CKC (Canada). The BRASIL CBKC full reg'd pedigree is ONE document only which together makes it the PEDIGREE and the CERTIFICATE OF REG'D...not like in USA or CANADA where its 2 seperate document.

The law in BRASIL that a pup cannot leave its country untill its 3+ months of age. But of COURSE if you really know BRASIL lol laws are NOT tightly inforced. The puppy just has to be up to date on its shots for his/her particular age. In Canada if a puppy is under 8 months of age or so it does NOT need to enter the counrty with the rabies. I don't know the the rules are in USA but i do know my mentor imports her pups to the USA and they don't need their rabies if under a certain age (probably similar to Canada).

Someone above mentioned a YORKIE is a YORKIE- very true! But asked the difference between the BRASIL yorkies. I believe and know from my own experience is that BRASILIAN yorkies tend to have a much THICKER coat which is often called a COTTON/SILKY coat. The coat also grows alot faster and fuller and does NOT break as easly. Their colorings are often darker and richer...blacks and golds are very popular. Brasilian yorkies tend to be shorter and stocker and have more of a TEDDY BEAR face because of the full hair.
I find that their ears take a bit more work and time for them to stand because cartilage is thicker.

Anyhoo ANJA either here or you can email me personally once again; if you can provide me the name (kennel name? website? breeder name?) whatever you decide of this BRASIL breeder you are referring to. Maybe i can help you to make sure you are in good hands with this person. Also my mentor in BRASIL co-breeders with quite a few breeders in BRASIl and this world is alot. All i am trying to say is that i would be MORE than happy to give you a helping hand in regards to the BRASIL breeder you are currently in touch with. Im assuming he/she speaks ENGLISH a lil?

OK hope that helps! Feel free to get back to me!
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