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Old 10-27-2007, 03:06 PM   #53
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Hi YT people!

Mom says that since I'm feeling better, I can talk to you all and say THANK YOU so much for sending special prayers to make me healthy!!

We went to the vet dr yesterday and she told my Mom that even though I still have the snuffles pretty bad, that the nassy stuff in my baby lungs that was making it hard for me to breathe, is almost GONE!!

AND GUESS WHAT!!!! I'M GROWING BIGGER!!!! Before I got sick, the vet dr said I was 25 ounces - (THAT WAS BIGGGG!!) but then I got the sickies and I lost 3 ounces so I was only just 22 - and NOW the vet dr said I got A WHOLE OUNCE BIGGER since I'm getting healthy again!!! She said I am such a pretty BIG GIRL and I felt so proud!! (even though I HATE to eat - maybe I'll try it some more if that vet dr will say such nice things about me everytime I get fatter!!)

I still have to take medicine that is really REALLY yucky - and I don't like it a lot... but Mom says it's the best thing to do so I can get happy again, so I just do my biggest girl best to swallow it down (without puking!).

And because I've been SUCH a good girl, guess what we got to do after the vet dr place???? SHOPPINGGGGGG!!! YEAHHHHHH!!! (I just LOVE to shop with ma' Mommy!!! She sneaks me into all the places that "real dogs" aren't allowed to go... Mom says that even though I'm NOT a dog at all, that some people might get confused and get upset 'cause I'm in their store or restaraunt since I have such pretty hair - they might mistake me for one of those little dog things that aren't allowed inside stores!) - so we went all over the place!! And even though I still wasn't feeling very well, it sure was nice to get out and goooooooo!!

We found me the cutest little new bed to sleep in!! It's a pretty pink little princess "house" and I just love it!! Mom got this little frisbee looking thing to keep me warm at night and it really works!! I was snuggly all night long in my new princess queendom!!!

She got me a couple of new vests and harness thingies too.... I'm not real sure WHYYYYY since she NEVER lets me WALK!!! But all the same, it seemed to make her happy, so I didn't argue with her....

But do you know what??? The vests she got..... were for RODENTS!!! Yup, ferret clothes!!! She thinks I didn't notice... but I'm one smart cookie and I could tell that little thing on the front of the package was nooooo relative of MINE!!! I cringed a little when she put them in the car... but she thought it was just a sneeze - and I didn't want to make her sad, so I just popped my head back into my carrier and didn't make a peep.

When we got home though, I did let her know that I.... am NO RODENT!!! And that prolly I should have some REAL GIRL CLOTHES!!! So..... she felt bad enough about the rodent clothes that she came on here and put a call out to all the YT people to send us pictures and prices of all the TINY baby girl clothes they have and she'll buy me some!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!

And what's even BETTER???? Because I sniffled a couple more times than I prolly really needed to..... she felt even WORSE and we went out today and got me the SWEETEST girly collar you could ever have imagined!!! (Okay, well, Mom says it's not really a collar.... it's actually a big girl's bracelet... but oh myyyyy it sure is pretty... and fits me so nice!!!) It's silver and diamonds and pink diamonds (Mom says they're not really diamonds, but that's okay) and I look sooooooooooooooooooo FANTABULOUS in it!!!

And I have pretty girly pillows to sit on.... (one has pink feathers all around it!!) - and I got new bows and clippy things (ewwwwwe, I hate those!!) and some necklaces and a new pink collar with diamonds on it AND A PINK BELL!!! Mom says the bell is so she knows where I am - (but number one, my neck won't fit this collar and number two, I'm NEVER on the floor so I'm ALWAYS WHEREVER SHE LEAVES ME!!!) - and I got the prettiest new pink blanket.... but she says that one's just for "outings" so I can't sleep with it yet! darn it!!

Wait till you all seeeeeee!!! Mom says when I'm feeling a little better that we can take some more pictures with all my new stuff!!

Anyways, I'm just so excited to be so much better!!! And Mom says it's mostly because there were sooooo many people praying for me and sending me "good vibes" - - (well, that and she said I'm a very strong and brave little girl who has more fight than a grizzly bear protecting her cubs!!!) so I just wanna' say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL FOR LOVING ME HEALTHY!!!

Here are a couple of pictures from before we left to the vet dr yesterday, I still don't look my best yet, (mostly because she STILL won't let me have a BATH - - and this stupid sweater is my sisters and is WAY too big for me!!) but Mom said I could pass 'em out!

Lots of love n' stuff to all of you!!! And please rub all your babies' noses for me!!
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Libby Gracie Mia & "Baby Emma"
~ My precious Natalie Kaye, you will ALWAYS be in my heart ~ I LOVE YOU!!!
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