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Old 10-22-2007, 05:05 PM   #1
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Default Question about yorkie's private area

Hoping to get faster response here since more viewers than sick or injured forum. Tonight we have noticed Hallee licking her pee pee(don't know what else to call it here). Anyway, when I touched it she pulled and squirmed away. Hubby got warm wash cloth and was washing it off. Hubby said it looked a little red and hair was crusty. Is this sign of urinary tract infection or something? Just concerned. Gracie let us touch her and did not bother her at all. Hubby just put Hallee in the sink and washed her with warm water and soap down there. They both just went to the groomer on Friday. Will see how she does the rest of the night.
Heather - Mamma to Gracie & Hallee
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