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Old 10-16-2007, 10:13 AM   #10
Sheba's Mommy
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: NJ
Posts: 27

Hey Guys!
Sorry I don't get in here often to post but I just wanted to say that I was leafing through the net last week and ran acrossed this post and I'm really hoping that what you say is true and that Sheba will not have to be put under anesthesia to get her teeth cleaned.
Not only because of the stress but because of the cost too!

I order both the gel and the spray and got them yesterday.
I usually use a wet washcloth on Sheba's face and teeth after dinner so I put some of the gel on the cloth and put it on and she didn't complain too much.

Wait till I try out the Elmo Baby toothbrush that I bought!!
She doesn't like toothbrushes so it may not work but either way,

We adopted a Sheltie/Dingo for Sheba a few months ago because she's been so upset about the loss of our other dog, Brandy and life has been pretty cool but a little hectic as Sierra was 3 months old and had gone through quite a lot in her first 3 months. Her mother and brother and sister were caught as strays and brought to a kill shelter where they were rescued by a local animal alliance group that puts them into foster homes.
I don't know what she went through but she's been here 3 months and is just starting to be less skittish! But...she loves Sheba like crazy. We always say that we got Sheba a puppy and we're just taking care of it.
But, she's beautiful and happy and safe at last.

Anyway...I'm going to keep at it with the Petzlife and hope that we can alleviate the need for a professional cleaning.

I am guessing that I'm supposed to use it daily for the first month and then 2-3 times a week? It didn't come with a pamphlet or anything so that's what I gathered from the instructions on the bottle.

I hope to get back in here more often and I'll be sure to let you all know of our success with the Petzlife and thank You with your wisdom and advice!

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