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Old 10-13-2007, 12:15 PM   #117
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Cayman islands
Posts: 24
Default A "Birthday Cake" for your dogs

My husband and daughter have a side business here in the Cayman Islands, FuzzyFood and they prepare home made pet food several times a week and deliver it to the parents of furry kids either at their offices or at their homes. I decided that a special treat was in order when ever one of the babies had a birthday so I came up with mini doggie cakes. Basically I make a meatloaf recipe minus the tomato sauce as a lot of dogs can not deal with too much tomato and I cook them in mini muffin tins, then I frost the cupcakes with mashed potatoes. These are rich and so they are best used only as a treat and if you have a large dog then just make it in a square pan. People love this as a special treat, I melt carob and will decorate the "cake" with the dog's name and everything.

Another favorite that both the cats and the dogs like is "salmon cakes" we take salmon canned in spring water and shred it and mix in whatever grains, we usually use brown rice, and a few oats, add egg to hold it together, chopped spinach, grated carrots and we form them into patties and put them under the broiler until they are lightly brown on both sides and our customers love them to no end.

Here's another hint if you are going to make home made dog biscuits. Use your breadmaker through the dough cycle to do all the work for you! Then all you have to do is roll them out super thin, cut and bake for an hour or whatever the recipe calls for, turn the oven off and then let them cool down inside the oven. I do this with several recipes and I cut them out as heart shapes and dip one side in carob. Again this is just as a special treat but the babies love them and mom and dad are happy to give a high quality treat.

Hope some of these help
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