Thread: Bunny Rabbit
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Old 10-10-2007, 04:18 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Buddy-licious View Post
When we bought our current home there were BEAUTIFUL rabbits running everywhere!!!!! A lady had set her "pet" rabbits out and they had multiplied. I NEVER knew how fragile rabbits were!!!!! They can easily break their backs and they die. It is the saddest thing ever!!!! My son was holding his favorite bunny one day and it jumped from his broke its back. (he cried & cried) I rushed the bunny to the vet.....there was nothing they could do. The vet explained that rabbits have a very weak spines and they are so fragile. He said they can break their backs from jumping to fast and high. (that explains why I found a couple of rabbits laying limp in my yard....I guess they had broken their backs. I took the limp bunny's to the vet and their backs were broken. So sad!!!) So you can imagine how fragile they are when kids play with them. So please explain to the child how fragile the bunny is.
But it sounds like no pet is safe in that house!!!
Wow they're so pretty! This one i don't think is that pretty lol Yea i heard they multiply a lot, thankfully they only have 1! Yea no pet is safe in her house tho, but his niece won't really touch the rabbit. She really doesn't care for it, i mean she's a very sweet girl, she reads to it sometimes at night, it's just that her mom doesn't discipline her right and she acts bad sometimes, like yelling for no reason, she's spoiled etc. But i really don't know why her dad got her the rabbit. Thankfully she won't try to hold it! I used to have a pretty little Bunny in PR, it was so small and full grown, it was albino with red eyes and we would let it free in the house and it would eat so many vegetables, we had a big backyard but when i left i had to leave it there and i dont ever know what happened to it It used to follow me too, i really hope they didnt eat it I'm thinking of the best!
Primrose, Teddy..RIP, Livie..RIP, And can never forget my duo Sophie and London, Run in Peace <3
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