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Old 10-05-2007, 05:58 AM   #33
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Lots of good tips already --

*I believe in clipping coupons; also trading coupons with others - give them what you won't use in exchange for ones you need.

*Buy an organizer to keep the coupons in - they usually have heavy paper ones at the $1 store -- or I found a cloth one on clearance at Target.
Organize your coupons. I have also found keeping the coupon organizer in the car is great, so if you have to run in for something, its always with you

*At Target, go down the end isles -- that's where they always put the clearance items -- when they get special sizes in or promotions and they don't want them on the regular shelf anymore they put them on the endcaps - ie a tub of Crest, with a free travel size marked down a $1 from just a regular sized tube & then with a coupon - saved me $$

*When eating out do not order soda/pop/coke or even ice tea, etc. -- just get ice water ask them for some lemon to add a little refreshment -- we all need to drink more water and restaurants mark up their drinks soooo much

*spend lots of time on YT -- that will keep you out of the stores -- lol

*keep track or your spending

*the library is also good for renting cds

*unplug the phone recharger, curling iron, etc. when not in use - the pennies this saves adds up

*open the windows and breath some fresh air -- I only use the air conditioner when the humidity gets unbearable

*when winter comes, resist playing with the thermostat -- put on a sweater, sweatshirt, use a blanket

*use a programmable thermostat - that can adjust the thermostat for when you're gone

*I know there are others I try to use....
Loved by Bubba & Roxy
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