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Old 10-02-2007, 03:34 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by MeganS View Post
^I'm going to have to (with all due respect!) disagree with you. All kids may not have a paying job (I'm 14 and I'm starting to look for some) however we DO have school, which IS a job. It's a lot of stress and work (Especially now that we don't have as much time to learn things because the teachers have to cram it ALL in before state testing so we can do well on the testing, so the schools can keep getting money, so we can get a good education, so we can get into good colleges, so we can get jobs, so we can AFFORD to have a family where we have to deal with these kinds of problems! - and yes, that is on a lot of teenager's minds). and believe me, when I come home from school, I want a little "me" time just as much as any adult does.

And you're right, we don't have time to adjust to things all the time. But eventually, they'll figure it out. Take a job for example! Around 15-16, kids start working maybe 15-20 hrs. a week. Then slowly, as we grow up, we add on more and more hours.

Adults, IMO, don't NEED as much time to adjust because you guys have had expierances in the world. When someone is just getting started, they need time.

I feel ya my dear... It seems your very passionate about your opinion and thats great... However, dont think Im just a one sided parent. Just to let you know Im 27 yrs old right now... I began working at 16 yrs old... I went to school full time (had homework too) and held down two part time jobs (1 @ Taco Bell and house cleaning) so that I could pay my MOTHER rent! (Yes, at 16 yrs old) So when I hear about kids taking on more than just school work, and sports pratices... its like AND.... it just seems like your saying "feel sorry for me because Im a teen" and thats not the case... Your just as capable as any grown up my dear. I know, IVE BEEN THERE, IVE DONE IT

You seem like a very smart person Dont enable yourself! Rather embrace whatever is given to you and feel a great sense of accomplishment when completed... No matter how big the task
Mommy to Meka "MeMe" Brown aka Meka the Diva
Member of the Spoiled Rotten Club & CA Yorkies
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