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Old 09-19-2007, 06:59 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by chrissystar View Post
Hi everyone,

I am thinking about getting a yorkie as a first pet. I am really excited, yet nervous at the same time. I've been around yorkies before and I absolutely love them. Can you guys give me any tips or suggestions for a first time buyer? I want to make sure I am making the right decision and am doing as much research I can as a first time buyer.

For example:
1. how often do you have to take your dog to the vet
2. how much time do you need to spend with your dog? I go to school about 5 hours a day, is it ok to leave it at home for that time?
3. how much should i expect to spend on my puppy? how much do vet bills cost?
4. How often do they need to get shots?

..and anything else you guys think I should know!!

Thanks so much!
First of all, Yorkies are the best! And Its great you are doing your research first.

1. As a puppy, you'll want to take it to the vet for a check-up as soon as you bring it home just to make sure everything is okay. Your breeder should have a time-window for you to get your baby a checkup to make sure its not going home to you with any health problems. Then you'll need to take it until all vaccination are given. Then once a year for a checkup and any needed vaccinations. And sometimes in between if it gets sick.

2. I spend as much time as I can with Lacy. I was working full time and got to take her to work with me everyday so I used to be with her pretty much 24/7, but now I'm in vet school and away from her a lot. I come home at lunch every day to let her potty so she's not at home longer than 5 hours at a time. If you're going to be gone for five hours, make sure you don't bring the puppy home too early - 12 weeks or older would be ideal. That way you shouldn't have to be so concerned with hypoglycemia and it should have some bladder control by then. I would get an x-pen and put a bed in there and food and water and safe toys and a potty pad if you want to pad train, at least until the puppy is old enough to hold it five hours.

3. Vet bills vary from vet to vet. I would expect anywhere from $30-$50 for just an office visit and exam. I usually plan for $100-$150 everytime I have to go in for Lacy's yearly exam, heartworm test, and vaccinations. There are also food costs, toys, crate or x-pen, bowls, harness and leash, etc. And you want to make sure you've got some money saved up in case of an emergency.

4. Puppies are reccommended to get vaccinations at 8, 12, and 16 weeks although some vets do it differently. A lot do 6, 9, 12, 16 weeks so it just depends on your vet.
~Magnifique Yorkies~
Purchasing from backyard breeders, pet shops, and puppymills perpetuates the suffering of other dogs.
Educate yourself and buy from reputable breeders or rescue.
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