Thread: Throwing up
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Old 08-29-2007, 09:48 AM   #6
Crazy about Kacee!
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Originally Posted by Ponyup View Post
My Logan likes to eat hoofs. My vet thinks that he just ate too much of one & it upset his tummy. His temp is normal & he didn't feel a blockage, so now I just have to feed him rice & chicken & give him some anti-vomit medicine & he should be fine in a few days. & the vet said no more hoofs; Logan will be so despressed, but it's what's best.
Someone on here gave their hooves, too, but I remember seeing that they can carry bacteria. I forget if it was salmonilla, or what, but they boiled them before they gave them to theirs. Perhaps that is what happened to poor Logan. Keep us updated.

Here it is - it was Irene:

Best chew thing on this planet!


I buy cow hooves by bulk for my 'beavers'..lolol..Now I see how they get their name..lolol

Having 12 that enjoy chewing I had to find something was safe yet not messy or smelly cuz they sleep in bed. Cow Hooves are the best. But there are some tricks to them.

1. Only buy them in bulk so you can chose the lighted colored ones. The black hooves REEK when wet. The lighted/yellow colored ones do not.
2. BOIL them in a pot on the stove BEFORE you give them to your baby. Who knows where they came from.
3. When they dry out, feel all around the hoof to make sure there are NO hang nails or pieces sticking out. If so, peel or cut it off.
4. Offer them to your baby and you'll be amazed how much they love them and they last forever.

(Shut out to my mom (Thanks Mom!)who taught me these secrets, she gave them to her Rotties)

They are not greasy or messy.

**Note: when they get small; just a little too big to fit in your furbabies mouth. Pitch'em and get fresh one to avoid the possibility of choking.**

***Caution!!*** Make sure you pick them up before bed and put them away. They hurt like HE&@!! if you step on them in the middle of the night
Karen Kacee
Muffin 1991-2005 Rest in Peace My Little Angel

Last edited by yorkieusa; 08-29-2007 at 09:51 AM.
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