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Old 07-07-2005, 08:17 PM   #1
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Rose Update: 7-7-05..Samantha.....

Well, howdy again!!!!! I hate I have not gotten back here sooner to let everyone know how things are going for Samantha and all the family....
This will be the latest as of 7-7-05 (that is if I can get this done by midnight...)

I may have never mentioned this...but my brother and sis-in-law are raising their grand-daughter (from the druggie daughter..not Sammy) for the past 1 1/2 years. Her name is Emily and she is 4 years old.

And my daughter also had her gallbladder surgery Tuesday am (7-5-05)...So the past few days I have gone from "sailing the southern caribbean ALONE.... for my 50th raising 3 little kids...all under the age of 5 .....
.............ALONE!!!!! UGH! My 2 "grands" and Emily....(don't forget I also have the 2 'attention craving kissy monsters', Apple & Lil Bit).

Anyway..... Samantha had the surgery late Tuesday evening to stabalize the fractured vertabrea with some screws and bone. After the surgery the "skull traction" was removed and she was much more comfortable. She remained in Neuro ICU for another 24 hours and was moved to a neuro 'step-down' hall yesterday...7-6-05.....She really has not regained very much movement at all. She can raise her forearms a bit but that is considered normal function for the area of the fracture. She has no movement in her fingers. She can raise her left knee slightly (barely inches) and has no movement at all in the right leg!

In discussing her choices for rehab the doctors gave my brother a long list of facilities to choose from. Since I am a nurse I called all the folks I know,...MD's, physical therapists, workers......families that have had rehab......and a few others. The first choice in the country was the facility in Colorado.....we live in South Carolina......but the absolute first choice for our area was the Shepard Center for spinal injuries in Atlanta.
So......a staff person from the Shepard center came to the hospital this am and talked at lenght with Samantha, my brother and sis-in-law......describing the facility and program. In the previous 24 hours I had spoke with 3 different people who had gone to the Shepard Center 'incomplete quadraplegic' (paralized arms & legs) with potential recovery.....all are now walking either with a cane, slight limp or one 13 year old is fine with no deficits and playing as catcher on an all-star team.
So...Samantha will be transported to the Shepard Center @ 7am tomorrow (7-8-05) and begin her rehab. She has gotten a bit "angry" about the whole thing and was sort of 'pissed off' today. She was involved in many discussions about "bowel & bladder care" and had to take some medicines and such to help her go 'poop' since she cannot go on her own. Then the nurse placed a diaper on her to "wait for results". (I am crying just recalling this).....I hurt sooooooo much for her. I wanted to explain that all this will improve once she gets set up on a schedule and spends more time 'sitting up' since laying flat in a bed is the worst thing for going poop....but she was angry and I knew to keep my mouth just a few days she will learn so much and begin to figure out that this is going to be ok and hopefully in a few weeks or months not even an issue.

OH...YEAH.....I forgot the best part. She was helped to sit on the side of the bed yesterday...for a few minutes, but she kept getting sick and dizzy....
After the 'hundredth' attempt she finally felt she sat there for a minute and then everyone lifted her to stand and she stood bearing weight on her left leg for a second or tow. It really was painful, but at that moment she was her happiest.

I could go on and on about some of the details of the past few days...but I wanted you all to know she is doing 'better' but still no miracle recovery. But I and the docs are thinking a bit more time and some great therapy and treatments she will regain alot of function.
She should be in Atlanta for 6-8 weeks. She will have internet access in her room and they will set her up a 'web-page' to post daily messages and updates on her progress. If I get some info I will ask her if I can post it here.
I doubt she will do any typing any time soon....she cannot even scratch her nose.....but likely will love getting messages.

I cannot thank everyone enough for the prayers and 'willing of strength'...We have all needed it and I have certainly felt it....please...everyone, stay safe and always wear your seatbelts. This was all so unfortunate.
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