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Old 08-10-2007, 08:45 AM   #8
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by mistyinca View Post
The problem with chicken bones, and ANY bones is when they are given COOKED. Raw bones are safe. No cooked bones of any kind should be given because they all have a tendency to splinter--some, such as cooked chicken bones, tend to splinter more easily.

I tried Chloe on raw. While she loves chewing on a raw chicken wing--bone and all--it didn't work well for us. She prefers to graze, and wants to leave her food for hours before coming back to it, and that just doesn't work with raw, since it can go bad and attract flies and all. But if your dog is ready and willing to wolf it down right away (as most dogs really are) it is a very healthy way to feed them.
Yeah, that is what the lady said - that raw chicken bones are pliable and doesn't splinter.... Interesting. I'm going to try and feed my Dunks some raw skinless chicken breast and see how he likes it...

Thank you all for the info....
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