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Old 08-04-2007, 05:43 PM   #1
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Unlove Playing Devil's Advocate

I am truly trying to understand something.

You see threads where people are wanting to rehome their furbabies or get rid of them because the dog didn't turn out to be what they originally had in mind (e.g. bigger, smaller, wrong coat, coloring wrong, whatever reasons).

What I have seen is that people come to these threads and try to talk them into keeping the dog or flat out blast them for wanting to rehome. Now, I understand if someone is asking for advice on whether they should keep or get rid of the dog. However, what I do not understand is those that will take it upon themselves to get on their soapbox.

Maybe I'm wrong...but if someone has decided to get rid of/rehome their pup/dog, then by all means, DO IT! If they are entertaining the idea then their minds are pretty much made up. Why take the extra effort to try to make them feel bad for their decision?

Yes, I understand that having furbabies is a big responsibility and it should have been researched before making the committment. However, I'd rather someone rehome their pet than to keep the pet (because they felt guilty by something they read here) in an unloving home.

I see these threads and sometimes they are 10+ pages long of people telling them they should keep them or telling them how awful they are for even considering it. Sometimes I will post a reply of wishing them the best and then shake my head and move on at the responses.

Am I the only one that feels this way???????
As always...JMO (Just My Opinion)
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