Thread: DeClawing DOGS
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Old 07-30-2007, 09:10 PM   #8
Donating YT 10K Club Member
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Dewclaws are removed because they can catch on carpet and other things and break off or tear. With cats, their claws are retractable and they use their claws to scratch, climb, and defend themselves. Declawing them removes the first joint of their toes. This basically removes a small part of bone with the claw attached. Dogs toes are basically the same but their nails are not retractable. Declawing a dog would probably result in some balancing and walking issues. Also, when cats are declawed it is almost always just their front paws - not all four - can you imagine not having any nails to scratch yourself if you had an itch? I worked at a vets office in highschool and we had someone call in wanting to declaw their dog because they were digging in the yard. Declawing a dog would not stop the digging. If you are worried about sharp nails, invest in a nail dremmel and file the dog's nails regularly. You can round the nails so that they aren't sharp.
~Magnifique Yorkies~
Purchasing from backyard breeders, pet shops, and puppymills perpetuates the suffering of other dogs.
Educate yourself and buy from reputable breeders or rescue.
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