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Old 07-12-2007, 12:51 PM   #146
I Love My Lil' Punkin's
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Originally Posted by txshopper73 View Post
Some people just have nothing better to do with their time than to start crap between people. I am so sorry that this happened to you and shame on them and their pitiful lies!

This is what can happen when one becomes member of a large board. You just don't know who you'll meet or run into and trust me, there are plenty of psychos out there!

Don't let this person get you down. Your breeder believes and trusts you but I hope that you don't decide to leave us because of this. Hold your head up high and take the higher road.

Had a phone call just last night from someone that I haven't spoken to in a while. It seems as though a member of this board was "fishing" for information about another member here and when my friend didn't give her the info that she wanted or get involved, this person decided to start a thread about her (without actually naming her). So sad......
I know Kim...this is exactly what Tatum's breeder and I have been talking about. Being a member of such a large board can alot of times cause problems. Sometimes you just never know what kind of "crazies" there are out there - and it is so important for all of us to remember that, and to be careful and watch what we say.

I for one am going to be VERY CAREFUL of what I say on this board from now on. And just so EVERYONE knows...I will not be sharing anymore information (not that I have shared alot) on Stedman and Tatum's breeders. I'm sorry if that sounds rude - but you just never know who you are talking to these days, and who is just trying to pry you for information. I have gotten quite alot of PM's from people wanting to know where they came from...and from now on I just won't be answering those PM's anymore. Same thing goes for those who reply to any threads asking me where they came from - I am just not going to be answering any of that anymore I swear I DON'T mean to sound rude....but it is just too hard to trust people these days.

To those of you WHO I KNOW that have asked, the above does not apply to you (you know who you are!!) The same thing goes for anything personal as well. Not just about the babies....but about ANYTHING. I am just no longer going to post anything personal here. This board is just SO big - and you never know who's reading what and who's lurking, trying to find information about you or start trouble. This is something that we should ALL REALLY THINK ABOUT. Just THINK before you post is all I'm getting at.

And girl...I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your friend. I cannot believe someone actually called her and tried to get information about another member from her. Some people are SERIOUSLY CREEPY, and are just SOOOOOOO nosey! Good for your friend for not telling her anything!
Mommy Loves Stedman and Tatum!

They have us wrapped around their little paws!

Last edited by stedmansmommy; 07-12-2007 at 12:54 PM.
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