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Old 07-12-2007, 11:46 AM   #138
I Love My Lil' Punkin's
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Oh my goodness, I was just sitting here crying reading everyones replies. You guys are SO GREAT. Thank you EVERYONE so much for all of your sweet and caring replies. They truly do mean so much to me, more than you will ever know. I wish I could reply to each and every one of you individually and thank you.

I have now received over 30 PM's since starting this it will take me quite a while to respond to them all, so if I haven't gotten back to you yet, I am so sorry

I have been talking with Anne's breeder ever since all of this happened, and she is just SO ANGRY that-that person e-mailed her and said what they did. She has been SO sweet to me, she is just the nicest person. She knows very well that none of what was said is true, and simply let it go through one ear and out the other....but has apologized to me so many times for that person doing this - however SHE isn't the one that needs to apologize for ANYTHING.

All of this "stuff" was the first thing on my mind when I woke up this morning...and it still makes me absolutely sick that someone did this. THEY know that it isn't true - and they waited for the perfect time to e-mail her and say this. Unfortunately, they did this right after we found out that Tatum has Coccidia (again, the perfect time for them to say all this to her) but it's too bad for them that Tate's breeder knows me better than that - and she didn't believe a single word of it. I guess they figured that by Tatum having Coccidia, they could contact her breeder and say what they did....however, they made themselves look like a complete ass (excuse my french!) because I have taken Tatum to the vet, and she is on medication for it - and Tatum's breeder knows this. Her breeder has been breeding for MANY, MANY years...and knows that a dog getting Coccidia doesn't mean that it is the owners fault. It was completely out of my hands and was nothing that I could of prevented. All I can do is treat it - which is exactly what we are doing and everyone knows this.

Anyway, I could go on and about about this. And if that person were in front of my face right now....let me tell you, they would get an EARFUL.

You can talk about ME all you want, but to say that I don't take proper care of my babies is just the BIGGEST insult EVER to me. They KNOW GOOD AND WELL that they were lying, and they should feel like a complete and total idiot for doing what they did because they accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

Anyway, thank you ALL again for everything you have said, and done. It honestly means SO MUCH to me. MY VERY WELL TAKEN CARE OF BABIES and I send you all a great big HUG!!!! LOL
Mommy Loves Stedman and Tatum!

They have us wrapped around their little paws!

Last edited by stedmansmommy; 07-12-2007 at 11:48 AM.
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