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Old 07-09-2007, 05:40 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by celstu1 View Post
When you cancel plans with friends or family, or don't make plans with certain people because you know your babies are not welcomed to join! (Ive told my own father that I was not coming over because I couldnt bring my dogs! haha) Id rather my dogs company to almost anyone else's! (at least most of the time)
I had to keep adding:

When you carry them to bed, after they fell asleep on the couch because its a LONG ways up those stairs when they are sleepy!

When you carry a doggy diaper bag with you EVERYWHERE you go in case they get hungry, bored, hurt, wet, hot, tired, thirsty etc....

When you put on the Central Air while you are at work in case its too hot in the house for them, but turn it off when you get home from work because now you can watch them if they get too hot.

When you get a dog sitter to come to YOUR house instead of dropping them off with someone else. I don't want them to feel scared in a strange place without their mommy!!! Come on now!!!

When they eat 5 pairs of brand new shoes and you blame yourself for leaving the closet door open just wide enough for them to get their nose in the crack and open it more!

All that, added to everyone else's, that I do!!!
“Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.” ― Dean Koontz
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