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Old 06-26-2007, 03:28 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Yorkieluv View Post
I am so sorry to hear about your loss
thank you! Samie's appt has been rescheduled for monday morning for xrays. The vet says Samie will do ok if she needs surgery... since her airway passages will be open. she is worried about "post" surgery and how she would be afterwards. she said if samie was to anxious we possibly would not be able to let her stay in recovery for a while. (like when they do morning surgery and you pick up in the evening) she said samie would do better in her usual surroundings.

Samie had cruisiating ligament surgery and 3 artificial ligaments in April 05. she was overly anxious when we dropped her off for surgery and the vet had said that if they could not get her to settle down a little that they would not be able to move forward. well she made it ok through that. i picked her up at 5:00 that evening and she slept once i got her home. However... a few hours went by and she started panting really bad. as each hour went by she was getting worse and worse. I knew it was time for her medication that they sent me home with and i gave her the meds. i started reading up again on her take home papers the vet sent us home with. startled to find that there was only one bottle of med in the little bag they gave me. they sent me home only with her anti inflammatory. but not her pain meds!!! she was in so much pain. we called the vet surgery center where she had the surgery and they said they were closed and no one was there to issue a prescription. my husband got very ugly with them on the phone and needless to say at midnight he was on his way to the place to meet someone outside with her pain meds.
(mind you it was 45 miles each way) i stayed with poor Samie and tried to comfort her but her breathing was getting worse and worse by the minute. my husband got home and we immediately gave her the pain meds and waited. she got terribly worse. by now it's 3am. and we put her up on the counter and was trying to calm her down and when i looked closely at her mouth. her little pink pain pill was stuck in her hair. SHE NEVER EVEN TOOK THE PILL AND SHE SPIT IT OUT! i had no idea!!!!! OMG! by now her eyes are buldging and we rushed her to the emergency vet. they put her on oxygen and i do not know how she made it though that. we came so close to losing are baby. i tried so hard to remain calm for her b/c i was told that they can sense when you are worried.

they kept her overnight and we went to get her the next morning. we decided that we could give her injections so i went to the vet the next day and they showed me how to give her the injection. it was scary and very difficult to do for her but i got over that real quick.

now- the reason for writing all of that... i do have a small bit of hope that samie "could" handle surgery if we find out that she has kidney stones... i don't think it could be any worse than that dreadful night after her leg surgery. although her trachea problems have worsened since then. i just have to have hope and pray.

we will cross that bridge when we get there on monday though. the vet said she "may" have stones but only the xray will determine that.
the reason she suspects stones is that she said the slide they use to do the test only goes to "4" she is guessing maybe 10 or more crystals were found. and with that she says when the number is that high... there unfortunately are stones present.

i am so worried. i am leaving for Cleveland now on Friday morning. so I am glad I can stay with my baby a few more days. she is feeling much better today than yesterday, has an appetite, and i believe her ear infection and yeast infection are clearing to. her stool this evening was normal. no more constipation. vet said to give her 1/4 of a 10 mg pepcid ac. to calm her stomach from being upset due to the sudden food change.

thanks for reading if you made it this far. :-) need your prayers.

Last edited by sadiesamie; 06-26-2007 at 03:30 PM. Reason: med info
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