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Old 06-08-2007, 01:51 AM   #18
Snow White
Yorkie Talker
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Wink Coughing

Originally Posted by LoveMyGirlz View Post
Gemma usually only does this at night when we go to bed, but every night! And it goes on several times, sometimes she needs water afterward.
The first video doesn't let you hear the sound she makes at the end, but the second one does. It sounds like she has a fur ball!! But nothing ever comes up either?
She also appears to have allergies because she sneezes a lot - could these be related?
What does it sound like to you? I hope its not bad?
Hi, What a sweet little baby!
Honey its just a cough from breathing cold air. (can be allergies, it IS related but most likely not) I demonstrate this to everyone I sell a puppy to especially when the weather is cold or changing or if it is really hot and I know they will have the cold air on for the ride home. I explain NOT to let the baby breath air from the air conditioner. All it takes it one time for the baby to breath cold air. ###a cough that ends in a gag. It usually takes 6 weeks to stop BUT medication WILL NOT HELP. A trip to the vet not only is costly and will not help but will also expose your baby to other illnesses and the vet will most likely give it antibiotics which can leave it immune for when it really needs it.
I learned this when my air in my home sent the cold air to my puppy room before the rest of my house and the cold air blew close to the puppy pen. I was told to close this vent off and it worked.
I also explain to winter puppy buyers to put a heat lamp outside where the new baby will "GO POTTY" and to turn it on to heat the area first. A couple of winters ago my electric was out because of ICE for a day and a couple of my adults "cough/gagged" after that. You can give Benedril in very small doses it give relief if it seams extreme at night (usually gets worse then like our colds get) I am lucky enough to have a friend that is a good vet*
Snow Whites Mommy
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