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Old 06-26-2005, 02:50 PM   #93
YT 500 Club Member
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Just got back from vacation and I see that the debate continues. First of all I want to say how happy I am that you had a good outcome with your puppy (Saffron~cute name by the way, I love it!). Please don't feel like you have to defend buying Saffron from a pet shop. No one here is judging you for buying Saffron from a pet shop. Maybe the shop she came from is a great place and I will not dispute your opinion. You evidently have first hand knowledge and have seen for yourself from where she originates. You are very lucky. The reason why people are so adamant against pet shop puppies is the very real likelihood that the majority of shops are getting their stock from mills, nobody can dispute that fact. There's a huge movement by people whom love animal and desire to see and end to the nightmare and the legacy of puppy mills. It's frustrating to see anyone defend pet shops in general because as lucky as you were in your experience there are untold numbers of people whom have not had good outcomes. When people remain silent about the atrocity of pet shops/mill/broker puppies you are endorsing or encouraging people to continue to buy the "crop". It's a money maker and it's hell for the animals (breeding stock and offspring) involved and for the unfortunate consumers whom may end up heartbroken with sick or dying animals. We absolutely cannot remain silent and allow people to believe that it's an acceptable means of locating a's like playing Russian roulette. The odds are against it being one of the few good pet shops. Most people just want to help educate future puppy owners about puppy mills.
Emme & Faith R.I.P. Mia & Bentley
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