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Old 05-29-2007, 09:51 AM   #133
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Rose So perfect

Originally Posted by Tophersmom View Post
Papi...the name Patticake seems so perfect for this little baby. Knowing the beautiful hearts of Patti and Corrine, it seems so right to have their names tied to this little one's!
I find myself like everyone else here, so thrilled that you are going to hear the pitter patter of little feet in your home again. Though Kassie will never be forgotten, she will shine down on this new life with all of her love...that I know.
My family and I can't wait to hear that you and Patticake are together at last. IT's truly like it was meant to be.
Good day my friend, Tophersmom,

I so agree with you on Patti and Corinne being honored in the name, though less we forget, Dan, Connie and dear Lori who is trekking half way acoss the united States to put Patticake in my arms, without the efforts to plan and organize, one alone, in themselves could not have accomplished this amazing good deed in my behalf, which I'm sure they will agree on, it was obviously a team effort chocked full of love, for which I will forever be grateful.

May I thank you and your family for your kind words, the joy and anticipation you feel along with us, you are another loving link in this amazing story, in a name behind, included in the names.

I am grateful for your joy in our happiness.

Thank you very much my friend Tophersmom.

In Memorial-Kassie Kisses-My Precious Yorkie
It all began here
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