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Old 05-27-2007, 07:44 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Fuzzywug View Post
As a newbie to Yorkietalk and someone who is starting a new rescue - I would appreciate feedback from members who are concerned about rescues.

I have fostered the sick, old and dying in the past, for a national rescue. I've held them in my arms and helped them to the bridge. I've changed the diapers of the incontinent, cleaned wounds, irrigated ears, done physical therapy with others. I can tell you that it is emotionally draining. At times, it was more than I thought I could handle.

I have seen so many Yorkies on rescue sites who have been there for years or are so sick and in pain, (dogs will often suffer in silence), just dying slowly, they have very little hope of ever finding a heart goes out to their foster moms. I can't bear to be that type of rescue; so I've made these decisions:

Please take into consideration that the main focus of my rescue is not to save....... but to re-home Yorkies.

Due to financial and space limitations, I have decided that I cannot take in yorkies over the age of 8 or who need extensive medical procedures - unless of course, it just happens. Taking in the very old and sick would soon make us a nursing home/hospice and fill up the limited number of foster homes I have; thereby stopping us from taking in dogs for whom I could quickly find loving, forever homes.

I cannot in good faith allow rescues to leave our rescue without being up to date on shots, heartworm tested, socialized, healthy and altered. That is all my small budget and endless time will allow at this moment.

They each stay with foster moms for a minimum of 2 weeks........ in most cases quite a bit longer. I feel that the sooner a pup can go to it's forever home, the faster the adjustment process. It's easier on both parties. We have strict adoption policies, but each case is ultimately decided based on the compatability of the dog and the family. There should always be room to relax a policy if for the good of the dog.

Thank you in advance for anticipated input. I honestly do appreciate your thoughts, whether you agree with me or not..... I'd like to know.
I am so happy to be able to help you in this endeavor!! We can make a difference .... "one Yorkie at the time"!!
Yorkie Rescue Colorado -
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits." -- Albert Einstein
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