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Old 05-24-2007, 01:43 PM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Huntsville
Posts: 4
Cry She's Constipated - What can I use to fix this?

hi everyone. I have a yorkie named juliet. She's my whole world and best friend.

I noticed yesterday evening that she was taking longer than usual to poop. I never actually noticed if she did poop last nite, because it was dark, but she ran back to me like she always has. Then this morning, she took a long time again, and I noticed that she didn't poop. I'm worried. She's six years old and she's never been constipated before. Is this normal?

My neighbor said to give her a small amount of pumpkin, but she didn't want any of it. She sniffed it and walked off. I called the vet they told me to try pumpkin or scrambled eggs. I tried that, but she vomited them up. She never eats people-food, so maybe that upset her stomach.

THe vet had to leave early today, but I got juliet scheduled for tomorrow morning. But is there anything I can do now to relieve her constipation? I hate it when I'm constipated and I know she's has to be feeling miserable. I found this site about Dog constipation, they said you can give her Grape-Nuts Flakes, I assume for the added fiber benefits. DO you think this is safe? what about just regular corn flakes? Because I have those in my pantry already? I also heard that you can give your dog olive oil mixed with warm milk. Anyone else heard this? That doesn't sound safe - Olive Oil???

Can anyone give me some ideas or ways to fix her constipation? Other than scrambled eggs or pumpkin. Thank you so much. god bless.
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