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Old 06-24-2005, 06:15 PM   #6
YT Addict
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 367

Both my pups came from a pet store owned by two very good friends of mine. I have never seen someone more passionate about their work. They often turn people down that come in to buy a pet if the feel they are unsuitable.
I take my dogs to visit every week, and they are a terrific support system. They searched for over a year to find a breeder they were comfortable with. They even had their vet meet with the breeder's vet. I have not once seen a sick puppy in their care. They are groomed daily and let out to play several times a day. They feed premium food, such as Royal Canin, and they are vet checked regularly. Children aren't allowed to handle them due to the safety risk.
Angel and Al (the owners) often take puppies that don't get placed right away home with them every night. The puppies sleep with them and are introduced to Angel and Al's own dogs and cats.
Yes, there are many pet stores out there that are horrible in their treatment of their puppies. They don't care who they get them from or who they sell them too as long as they can turn a profit. I am very strongly against sellers like that.
I don't mind defending myself as to where I bought my puppies from as long as people are respectful about it.
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