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Old 05-15-2007, 04:44 PM   #46
Wee Winston Wiggles
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Originally Posted by roosmom View Post
She's 3 months and yes it is adorable. And we just found out yesterday- she's only 1.12 pounds- so to see her try to run with the "big dogs" (my other baby is about 35 lbs)- is really cute. She also likes to eat out of the other dog's food dishes which she could fit in with room to spare! The dogs just don't know what to do with her- occassionally Taya'll try to play with Roo but they're just such different sizes! Anyway it's adorable!
WOW 3 months old and only 1.12 pounds, that's a tiny baby!!! My guy Winston was 2 pounds when he came home. But he's about 8 pounds now at 3 years old, I know a little pudgy, and I am trying sooooo hard to keep his weight down. My last Yorkie, Spencer, was way overweight and had some "issues" healthwise, so I'm trying to prevent anything from happening to Winston. I love him regardless of how much he weighs, I just want him to be "healthy". What does your little Roo eat, does she have any problems with hypoglycemia? Sorry, I'm getting way off the topic...forgive me.
As Ever, Kathy
Intruducing Bentley Winston and Spencer: RIP My Sweet Angels
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