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Old 04-27-2007, 11:25 AM   #12
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: New York
Posts: 4
Default You are all great!

Wow, I love all the responses! You are all so helpful.

I have been thinking so much about it and I love the wonderful stories. I know my kids and I know they will COMPLETELY listen to all rules. Plus, I would never leave the puppy unsupervised when the kids have him.

I just wanted to make sure that the dog DID in fact like kids. Now, I have a few other questions:

1. Is there a difference in temperment between a female and a male puppy?
2. Can they easily be paper or litter trained?
3. Do they tend to bark alot? I know while playing they would..but what about during the day?
4. I have seen puppies from breeders online going from anywhere between $800-2500..I have a breeder I saw in NY where I can pick it up. Any suggestions or recommendations?

Keep those stories coming.They really are sooooo helpful.

God bless everyone!
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