Thread: Why is it?????
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Old 06-20-2005, 04:04 PM   #1
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Question Why is it?????

Sorry just need to vent and get some things off my chest and maybe get a few opinions.

Today i went to Walmart and as I am standing there in line at the check out this lady is STARING at me. No idea why. So when I get out to my car I look in the mirror to make sure I dont have anything stuck to my or hanging out my nose or whatever.
I then go to Target and notice a few people staring at me. No idea why but it was really starting to get to me. ( I have issues with people staring at me, Can you tell?? LOL)

After Target i went to the grocery store, same thing. GRRRR

So i go to the gas station for pop and cigarettes and I ask the lady behind the counter if there is anything wierd about me cause of all the people that have stared at me. I know this lady because I go in there all the time. There is a lady behind me that I would say is in her late 50s. She pipes up and tells me that the reason that she was looking at me is because I am a beautiful girl and she doesn't understand why I do what I do with my body. (I got no f-ing clue what she is talking about and I am starting to get annoyed)
So I ask what she is talking about. She tells me that she thinks that I have ruined my beauty by piercing my nose and putting tattoos in certain places. She says that I should have longer hair and try to TONE myself down. I should also wear clothes that cover my body. (I had on a pair of jeans, low rise, nothing revealing my butt crack or anything, and a t-shirt that showed just a little tummy.)

This really bothered me. I dont know why but Im not that unusual looking with my tats and piercings. I mean, right now I have my hair short short so that it spikes up all over. Its a platnum blond color. I have my nose pierced but wear a very small diamond stud in it. I have a tattoo of a fairy very small on the back of my neck, I have a butterfly on the inside of my right wrist, I have the tribal design that means MOTHER on the top of my right foot and a shooting star on my left foot. (I have more tattoos but these are the only ones that this lady would have been able to see). I dress very normal in my opinion. usually in jeans and a tshirt.
I dont really think that I stand out that much but I also dont really want to just blend in with the crowd.

If you were to see me in public would you stare at me? Do you think that I have "ruined" myself by tattooing my body and piercing my nose??
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