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Old 04-10-2007, 07:27 PM   #112
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Originally Posted by Breezeaway View Post
So because she is the only one working and has kids she cant take care of the pup? My advice is then if she cant take care of it give it to a family who can and dont get a puppy if you arent willing to take care of it no matter what it takes ,because dogs don't take care of themselves. Dogs depend on us humans as their caretakers and family just like children. They arent disposable and just cause you cant afford it let it die or suffer. I'm sorry, but that is one of my pet peeves........If you can't afford it give it to someone who can and will..................Id rather give it away to someone than to let it suffer..
Well I think thats being a little harsh, She stated she did not have the money. and if she is the only one working and has kids yeah she prob dont have the extra money. And that means she should not own a dog?
There are a lot of members here that dont have money and they have Yorkies, and Im sorry but accidents some time happens. I hope that hes not in pain and or suffering, but her and her vet only knows that, and she says that hes not. When I got my two Yorkies I had a lot of extra money, Im broke now, so should I just give mine up too?
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