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Old 03-12-2007, 02:44 PM   #5
Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 12

How is Buster? Is he still coughing? If he is, make sure you keep giving Buster the Clavamox. Also, if it hasn't been done yet, make sure you have an x-ray taken of him. DO NOT let him have a tracheal wash. I went through the same exact thing exact thing with my 7-month old Leo. Unfortunately, I let a specialist in NYC (that my original vet referred me to) perform a tracheal wash, which involves putting the dog out and sticking a tube down their throat into their lungs. Saline (i.e. salt water) is injected into the lungs and then sucked back out. The liquid is then sent to a lab to be analyzed so they can supposedly determine the type of bacterial infection that the dog has. My Leo died two weeks ago from complications from the tracheal wash. The specialist already had a plan of antibiotics for Leo for the following month. However, she wanted to do the wash and we said yes. Just keep giving him antibiotics, put a humidifier near his cage (or wherever he sleeps). Also, talk to your vet about the cough medicine before you give him any. I've actually heard that you can be dealing with the cough on and off for at least 6 months or more. There's no need to perform such an invasive procedure when you can keep on giving him antibiotics. I've also heard that there is a form of steroid that a vet can prescribe to help with the cough. And if the Clavamox isn't working (basically it's like strong cough syrup), you'll want to talk to your vet about stronger antibiotics in combination with the steroid. Some of this information we just found out about in the last week or so. I really hope this helps.
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