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Please help, I am crying as I write this letter to you my child (Dog) has passed on. My breeder passed on years ago. My Channel lived to be thirteen years old. Channel had lost only one tooth in her thirteen years. Her health was impeccable. Her coat was like silk and down to the ground. I made her food all organic. She traveled everywhere with me. Channel was like a child to me. Channel was full of energy you would have thought she still a pup. I took her to the veterinarian and was told the reason she was having difficulty in breathing was due to her trachea. He said hers had started to collapse and was very narrow in one area. Doctor Randy said there was nothing that he could do. Age had caught up to her. So I sent her to heaven so she would not suffer. The doctors loved her and all the vets assistance an several doctors where there when I put her down. She was loved by all.
I was told to show her I never did unfortunately I never breed her either. This breeder breed the most laid back Yorkshire Terrier . When sometime has passed I would like to have a female Yorkshire Terrier. I will call her Channel 2 in her memory.
She was silver and gray. I don't know where to start with finding a GREAT BREADER.
I am 56 years old and thought you can help me and maybe catch my tears. I make a great mom. Please, don't delete me. I just need you to guide me. Her papers read blue an gold. I would like to find one that has the same coloring as Channel. With a baby doll face.
I know time is precious and anything you can do would be deeply appreciated
Thank you for your time.
Alicia Rosenthal Najarel@aol.com
· Date: Tue March 10, 2009 · Views: 10312 · Filesize: 51.7kb · Dimensions: 479 x 353 ·