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06-01-2006, 02:32 PM | #1 |
Administrator | Featured Yorkie Products For Sale Rules Here are the Featured Yorkie Products For Sale Post Rules: This featured Yorkie Products for Sale forum is for all the YorkieTalk Donating Members with established Web sites. The fee for advertising in the Featured Yorkie Products section is $50 for six months or $75 for one year, prepaid. Featured YT Storeowners must be Donating Members first before they can be a Featured YT Storeowner. To be a Featured YT Storeowner, a member must be a member of YorkieTalk for at least three months before they may be a Featured YT Storeowner. Note that if you choose this option, you may NOT post any new threads in the Yorkie Products For Sale forums. It is not a requirement if you own a store to post in this forum, but you may choose this one if you would like, as you can not post in both. 1. Featured stores may post up to TWO Featured Products For Sale per week. 2. You are allowed TWO bumps of your thread. When you bump it is up to you. You may answer any questions people have of your product, but any post not related to a question will be considered a bump. (Any posts you make within THIRTY MINUTES of your initial thread will not be considered a bump. This could be for listing multiple items with pictures or for multiple fabric samples.) Any threads with bumps over the limit will be CLOSED IMMEDIATELY. 3. You must include prices of the item(s) you are selling. 4. Links to eBay auctions are not allowed in your For Sale post. We also do not allow selling of Amway, Mary Kay, or any other direct marketing products. Links to your eBay store are allowed if you are a Donating Member. 5. You may NOT review any products that you or your storefront is selling in the Yorkie Products & Review forum, as there may be a conflict of interest. 6. Threads may be closed after 30 days, but still viewable, searchable, and not deleted from YorkieTalk. 7. If you do not follow these rules, your threads and posts may be deleted and you may be suspended. Other abuses of the products for sale forum may also lead to suspension or banning. 8. Members are free to price their goods for whatever they wish, and all members are free to buy or not buy from that seller. Posts questioning the price and posts which are disrespectful to the seller are not allowed. YorkieTalk.com is not responsible for any products advertised in the Products For Sale section nor do we vouch for any sellers. We provide no guarantee for any products listed in this forum. Please use caution when purchasing from any individual member or Web site. Buy at your own risk. We highly advice you pay via Paypal using a credit card for your own protection. If you do not receive a product after 30 days, contact the seller first to try to resolve the problem. We recommend you file a complaint directly with your credit card company if you do not receive your item after 45 days. If you do not receive the product(s) you purchased in a timely manner, we would suggest you first try to contact the seller via email (the email address you used to send the seller money via Paypal) AND PM at the same time, just to make sure they get the message. We would advise trying to contact the seller again if you do not hear from them within three business days. We would assume one week total is plenty of time for a seller to respond. There is a 45 day time limit to file a Paypal claim, so please keep that in mind. To protect yourself, we advise filing a claim by 45 days if you have yet to receive your product. You can close your claim after you file it if you do receive your product later. Your credit card company claim dispute policy may be different, you will have to ask your particular credit card company to see what their policy is. We would suggest filing a claim with your credit card company first (if you used a credit card to send money via Paypal). From Paypal: 13.3 Filing Deadlines. We will not grant any Claim unless you first initiate a Dispute in our Resolution Center within 45 Days of the date of the relevant payment and then escalate the Dispute into a Claim within 20 Days of the date you file your Dispute. It is your responsibility to keep track of the deadlines under this section. https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/we...plaint-outside If you see a thread that is closed, feel free to privately message the seller to see if their product(s) are still available. Last edited by admin; 05-20-2008 at 09:49 AM. |
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