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Old 06-06-2007, 02:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 113
Default How difficult will it be to housetrain in this situation?

We just got a Yorkie on Monday (we'd bought it a month ago, but due to a 9 day vacation we just took, we elected to pick him up afterwards)....and I just have a couple of questions here....

1) Housebreaking since we're not home too much.

The previous owner at least newspaper trained him...he's 12 weeks old...

10PM to 6:15AM - Dog is in crate/kennel because we're sleeping and then getting ready for work.

6:15AM to 6:30AM - We let the dog outside so it can go to the bathroom if it needs to.

6:30AM to 5:30PM - We are both away at is in kennel with newspaper...generally, it goes on the newspaper.

5:30PM to 10PM - Dog is usually out of crate/kennel, and Heidi tries to take him outside rather often and stop him if he tries to go in the house.

So given that he's only out of his kennel like 4 hours a day...just how difficult is this going to be?? Since he's in the crate/kennel 20 hours a day....I think no matter what, he'll go on newspaper more often...

2) Introducing him to cats

We have two cats...and perhaps we should have been more gradual....our big cat is pretty territorial....and the dog tried to get playful with her, and the cat responded with a hiss and a smack upside the dog's head...the dog actually BLED, that's how hard the cat hit.

The kitten we have seems to be alright with the dog...although the puppy is probably a little too playful...any tips on getting the cat to get along and not hurt the puppy?
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